
CAI is planned to move despite a local nonprofit reaching a deal to purchase their building.

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From behind the curtain

Look behind the scenes of "Anything Goes" with the high school’s Production I class. The class is meant to give students as much experience as possible in theater production, and The Times caught up with the high schoolers to hear about their work from blocking to lighting to sound. Read more

CAI still moving despite building sale

The CAI radio station is poised to move despite a local nonprofit finalizing the purchase of their offices and offering free rent. The Woods Hole Community Association announced Thursday that it had reached a deal to purchase CAI's headquarters thanks to 350 different donors, intending to keep their local radio in its location. But in a statement that same day, the station's owners announced that they were still looking to move. Read more

Chilmark summer program hangs 'by a thread'

Summer programs this year at the Chilmark Community Center are in jeopardy, says town select board chair Jim Malkin, as officials have struggled to reach agreement with the Chilmark Town Affairs Council. A representative of the nonprofit says the council has worked on some of the town’s recommendations and has felt excluded from officials’ decisionmaking. Read more

Deer season might become one month longer

State officials want your feedback on a proposal to extend deer-hunting season next year by an additional month on the Vineyard and Nantucket. Both islands' deer populations far exceed state goals of 12 to 18 per square mile — above 55 per square mile on the Vineyard and above 75 on Nantucket. Too many deer can lead to spikes in traffic accidents and tick-borne illnesses, destruction of native vegetation, and erosion. Read more




Come play Magic: the Gathering at the Oak Bluffs Public Library. Players of all skill levels are welcome. Children under 14 should be accompanied by an adult. It's from 6 pm to 9 pm, 56R School Street, Oak Bluffs. Read more


All are welcome to the Seed-Processing Workshop at the West Tisbury Library, where seed-saving experts will be on hand. You can bring plants to save seeds from or use what’s provided at the library. Envelopes and labels will be supplied. It’s from 12:30 pm to 2 pm, 1042 State Road, West Tisbury. Read more


Membership Down!, the Island's live, variety fundraising game show, is back for its 12th edition. Three contestants will face ridiculous challenges as they compete for money for their favorite local nonprofit. Suggested donation is $20. Come early and head to Mo's for the Membership Chow Down special. It's from 7 pm to 8:30 pm, P.A. Club, 137 Vineyard Avenue, Oak Bluffs. Read more


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.


Check out musical events around the Island here.


The Steamship Authority board meets at 10 am on Tuesday. Agenda here.

The Aquinnah select board meets at 3 pm on Tuesday. Agenda here.

The Chilmark select board meets at 5 pm on Tuesday. Agenda here.

Real News For Real Islanders

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Quote of the Day

"I believe it's time for the next generation."

—Chilmark select board chair Jim Malkin on his decision to not seek re-election

What's for dinner tonight?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Sweet Life Dinner @ 5:30 Thursday–Monday. Live jazz every Thursday w/ Jeremy Berlin. 508/696/0200

Contact to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

Name This Islander

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Email your answer to, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.

Thursday's contest answer:

Sandy Mott

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