
A replica of a boat prominent in the Island's maritime history is off to Mystic Seaport.

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The four million-dollar question

This may not look pretty, but it's why Tisbury voters at last month's town meeting approved a $4.4 million borrowing request to renovate and maintain the Vineyard Haven Public Library. The next crucial next step in the proejct is to win voters' approval tomorrow in the special town election. Voting is at the Emergency Services Facility on Spring Street from noon to 8 pm. You can see the sample ballot here. Read more

Hosting discussion at Stillpoint

After a three-year endeavor, Stillpoint in West Tisbury has opened its doors. The nonprofit's leaders are excited for their venue's potential to facilitate ideas from the Island community. They particularly look forward to forum discussions about controversial topics. Read more

High school hockey stands up to cancer

The high school's varsity hockey team is fundraising money for the MV Cancer Support Group; they'll be wearing custom jerseys in the 25th annual Fairleigh Dickinson Tournament. The jerseys are available for order here until Jan. 15, and all proceeds are for the support group. Fans are encouraged to wear this gear to the game on Feb. 16 against Dover-Sherborn High School. Read more

Mystic bound

Islanders today sent off this replica of a Nomans boat — a type of 19th century craft used for fishing around Nomans Land — to the Mystic Seaport Museum. Museum officials told The Times today that the Vineyard vessel belongs in their collection of hundreds of historic pieces. Read more




"I have a 2-year-old Airedale named Winston," Andrea writes to the Dogcharmer. "He's loving, smart, and a pleasure to live with, except when anyone comes to visit ... he won't stop demanding attention to be constantly petted!" The solutions to a pet wanting too much petting, Dogcharmer Tom writes, are a "door routine" and setting boundaries. Read more

Today's Minute is sponsored by: Island Housing Trust

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Community Sing! is on today, and all ages are invited to sing songs from around the world, led by Roberta Kirn. It's from 5 pm to 6 pm at M.V. Public Charter School, 424 State Road, West Tisbury. Read more


You may have seen our recent piece about a proposed Island-wide phase-out of gas-powered leaf blowers. Edgartown officials are organizing an information session for the curious, and they'll answer a wide range of questions. It's from 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm at the Edgartown Library, 26 Edgartown West Tisbury Road, Edgartown. Read more


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.


Check out free programs for all ages at the Island's six public libraries here.


The Steamship Authority port council meets at 9 am tomorrow. Agenda here.

The Chilmark select board meets at 5 pm tomorrow. Agenda here.

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Quote of the Day

“This is a place where the community can come together and connect with one another, disagree with one another, to be able to experience different perspectives in the context [that you’re not] just being a keyboard warrior … reacting to every little thing someone says that you don’t like.”

—Allison Simon, assistant director at Stillpoint, wants Islanders to use the West Tisbury space to both speak to and listen to each other.

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