
IHT is hoping Tisbury’s zoning board of appeals will approve a 15-bedroom 40B project

with the potential for 22 bedrooms if needed.

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NOAA pulls vessel speed restrictions

Facing mounting pressure from lawmakers and the public, NOAA has decided to pull its proposed vessel speed restriction rule. While the rule was designed to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales, there were concerns about economic harm due to slowed boats. Read more

IHT eyes 15-bedroom project

The Island Housing Trust has its sights set on a 15-bedroom project at Lobster Alley in Tisbury, adding three duplexes to an existing structure. The zoning board of appeals is expected to hear the project’s 40B application this month, and could grant all needed approvals. Some neighbors have voiced concerns, however. Read more

Hundred-point Hunter

Hunter Johnson (no. 7) is the second senior on the varsity hockey team to log 100 career points, which he did against Lowell on Sunday. In Matt Mincone's 26 years coaching, only seven players have hit the milestone. Read more



Behind the voice

WMVY listeners know the voice of Laurel Redington, who has been on air for decades. But do you know Laurel? The Times caught up with the host to hear about her lifelong enthusiasm for radio, making a tough decision to return to the Vineyard and her station, and her deep appreciation for her fellow Islanders. Read more

Today's Minute is sponsored by: MV Film Society

At home you are surrounded by life’s distractions, inclined to pick up the phone or do the dishes. Escape reality for a few hours with a screening at The Film Center.

Enjoy cinema snacks and relax in one of our reclining chairs in front of the big screen.
Simply sit and immerse yourself. You’ve earned it.



Game night is on at the Barn Bowl & Bistro, and you can enjoy a variety of games and company. Game Night is weekly at 7:30 pm, 13 Uncas Avenue, Oak Bluffs. Read more


Yes, the Chilmark Library's book sale is over, but that means what's left over is free. Stop by during regular library hours and take some with you. It's from 10:30 am to 5 pm, 522 South Road, Chilmark. Read more


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.

Health & Fitness

See yoga classes, recreational activities, and other wellness programs for all ages here.


The All-Island School Committee meets tomorrow at 5:30 pm. Agenda here.

The Martha’s Vineyard Commission meets tomorrow at 6:30 pm. Agenda here.

Real News For Real Islanders

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Quote of the Day

“The last time we did the Great Skate was in the 80’s. We would hit Squibnocket, then Chilmark Pond, and we would continue from there. We would either take our skates off or just put our guards on them and head over to the next pond when we were done. It  was spectacular.”

—Nat Benjamin on pond hockey days of old

What's for dinner tonight?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Contact to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

Name This Islander

Name this Island youth!

We'll throw all winning answers into a pot at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.

Email your answer to, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.

Tuesday's contest answer:

Wayne Jackson

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