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The Minute:
Residents down-Island have been reporting items stolen from their unlocked cars for a month.
After a Thanksgiving bust, they’ve got answers. |
Subscribe to The Minute. |
Police have a man in custody after a month of break-ins across three towns — 25-year-old Eric Johnson of Tisbury. Police alleged that Johnson’s entries into unlocked vehicles yielded him $10,000 in cash from a single car, and that he was found with stolen bikes and a television. Tisbury, Edgartown, and Oak Bluffs police caught Johnson thanks to common consumer technology — an Apple AirTag tracking device attached to a stolen bike. It's not Johnson's first run-in with the law — he was suspected last month in a string of thefts in Rhode Island. Read more
The Steamship Authority reported over the holiday weekend that a couple of sold-out trips aboard the Island Home were canceled due to a crew shortage. Again, one staffer called out, leaving over 100 passengers with reservations in limbo. The Steamship says they were able to get them onto trips soon after. Read more
The public schools’ English Learner Parent Advisory Council wants parents to fill roles and help organize future meetings. The council works to connect families to school leadership, and The Times attended the first meeting of the year before Thanksgiving. Some English learners’ parents are anxious about state tests, and others want to see more Portuguese language classes, worried that their children might become English-only speakers.
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Per this publishers’ handshake, our colleagues on our sister Island — the members of the Nantucket Current newsroom — will soon be getting a package of Murdick’s Fudge. It’s on us after we lost a wager over the Island Cup football game. We look forward to winning fudge from Nantucket next year. Read more |
The Vineyard's many horse-based programs are thanks to a network of local groups and nonprofits. Read about the therapeutic side of Island equestrianism with Misty Meadows and the Island Autism Group, student programs in partnership with the Island Wide Youth Collaborative, and meet the people behind the programs.
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Today |
For almost 50 years, the Gatchell family has put on a massive Christmas light display, with the works — reindeer, snowmen, and over 20,000 sparkling lights. It doesn’t do it justice just to see it in The Minute. Guests are welcome to park their car and walk around, and encouraged to bring nonperishable food or a monetary donation for the Island Food Pantry, which will help feed Islanders in need this winter. It’s 5 pm to 8 pm, today until December 15, County Road, Oak Bluffs. Read more |
Tomorrow |
Cheesemonger Morgan Schroeder is hosting the second Cheese 101 workshop, this time bringing a holiday theme. You'll sample artisinal cheeses and can ask an expert all your best cheese-related questions. Register by emailing vhpl_programs@clamsnet.org. It's 6 pm, Vineyard Haven Public Library, 200 Main Street, Vineyard Haven.
Read more |
Movies |
Check out what's playing at Island theaters here. |
Libraries |
Check out free programs for all ages at the Island's six public libraries here. |
No meetings tomorrow. Enjoy your Tuesday! |
Stat of the Day |
One alleged victim of recent break-ins told police she lost $10,000 that was unattended in an unlocked car. This is according to court filings after last week’s arrest of suspect Eric Johnson. |
What's for dinner tonight? |
Dining Out? |
The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.
Contact adsales@mvtimes.com to promote your dining specials with the MV Times. |
Name This Islander |
Name this flapjack flipper! We'll throw all winning answers into a pot at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.
Email your answer to newsletters@mvtimes.com, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.
Friday's contest answer:
Mary Payne |
We sent you The Minute because you gave us your email address at an Islanders Write or Islanders Read the Classics event (or at the Ag Fair), or you responded to an ad for The Minute and signed up on our website. The Minute will arrive Monday through Friday by the end of the workday. It features the day's news, important meetings and events, and even what to make for supper, along with some newsletter-only coupons and insider tips. We may produce special weekend editions and occasionally send you special offers from select advertisers. |
The Minute Archive |