
The Minute:

Big Brothers Big Sisters is expanding a youth mentorship program, looking to bridge language barriers with Portuguese-speaking families.

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From Slough to kitchen

Food is an important topic on Martha’s Vineyard, and Slough Farm culinary director Charlie Granquist is spreading his knowledge to Islanders. From cooking in a New York restaurant to teaching kids about vegetables, Granquist reflects on his journey to the Vineyard and people’s relationship with food. Read more

Overcoming language barriers

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cape Cod & the Islands is expanding access to a youth mentorship program for Portuguese-speaking families, in collaboration with local nonprofit Community Ambassador Partnership. Although the details are still in the works, the plan is to help mentors communicate directly with guardians. Read more

College comes early

The Vineyard's high school is working to offer early college credits next year in partnership with Middlesex Community College. School staff say the program can be a great advantage for first-generation college students, saving them time and money once they reach higher education. But students won't have to travel to Middlesex's Bedford campus — they'll be taking college-level English and statistics classes at the high school thanks to accredited instructors. Read more

A big thank you

Here at the MV Times, we launched a fundraising campaign that will sustain us into the future, and we’ve been greatly appreciative of the outpouring of support we’ve received so far. And the notes from you, our readers, that come with the donations have been special. You can read more from our editorial staff.

Comments suspended

Another update from our editorial staff: we have decided to suspend comments during the holiday season. We already miss them, but we acknowledge that we’ve had some shortcomings recently, allowing the section to descend into realms that we regret. We’re taking some time to figure out how to reel them back in. Read more


Once bitten...

Penny reaches out to Dogcharmer Tom Shelby after her dogs’ row over steak landed both in the vet and gave her husband a nasty bite. The problem, Shelby says, is dogs' "resource-guarding" behavior. He advises a cautious feeding procedure, and shares lessons from scary fights in his pets' past. Read more

Today's Minute is sponsored by: MV Film Society

At home you are surrounded by life’s distractions, inclined to pick up the phone or do the dishes. Escape reality for a few hours with a screening at The Film Center.

Enjoy cinema snacks and relax in one of our reclining chairs in front of the big screen. Simply sit and immerse yourself. You’ve earned it.



We could have done some reporting to discover the title of this holiday-themed movie feature, but here's your chance to go out into the field. You could also call the library at 508-693-9433 and they'd tell you the name. It's 6 pm to 8 pm, Oak Bluffs Library, 56R School Street, Oak Bluffs. Doors open 5:50 pm. Read more


Your fourth-, fifth-, or sixth-grader can get radio-active at the Radio Games with MVY Radio and former longtime host Ray Whitaker. Kids will learn how to talk when on air, to record themselves, use sound effects, and to play vinyl records (if you haven't taught them already). It's 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm in the large conference room at the West Tisbury Library, 1042 State Road, West Tisbury. Read more


Check out what's playing at Island theaters here.

Health & Fitness

See yoga classes, recreational activities, and other wellness programs for all ages here.


The Martha's Vineyard Commission meets at 6:30 pm tomorrow. Agenda here.

Real News For Real Islanders

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Quote of the Day

“I feel pretty good about this option, because there’s someone who’s going to buy them and they’re going to be used for something, and I think that’s a pretty good outcome.”

—Winston Bell, Land Bank livestock manager, on success in finding a buyer for a troubled goat herd

What's for dinner tonight?

Dining Out?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Contact<> to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

Island Housing Trust

IHT is building homes for our year-round friends and neighbors. You can help by clicking this link to donate today.

Name This Islander

Name this lip sync champion! We'll throw all winning answers into a pot (no pun intended) at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.

Email your answer to, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.

We sent you The Minute because you gave us your email address at an Islanders Write or Islanders Read the Classics event (or at the Ag Fair), or you responded to an ad for The Minute and signed up on our website. The Minute will arrive Monday through Friday by the end of the workday. It features the day's news, important meetings and events, and even what to make for supper, along with some newsletter-only coupons and insider tips. We may produce special weekend editions and occasionally send you special offers from select advertisers.

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