
Tisbury’s next town administrator, Joseph LaCivita, will start in March.

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A federal funding freeze

The Trump Administration’s freeze on federal loans and grants has caused confusion among various Martha’s Vineyard organizations, each trying to assess how the order might impact their programs and projects. From the Wampanoag tribe to the Island airport, there is concern over potential effects to essential services and projects. If you think your institution could be in trouble, send us a note at or Read more

Tisbury has its next town administrator

Tisbury is hiring Joseph LaCivita as its new town administrator after offering him the job in December. LaCivita brings experience as a city official in New York State, and said that the job is a “dream come true.” Read more

Aquinnah ‘Jaws’ bash a no-go

Aquinnah officials are no longer pursuing a proposed 10-day celebration of the iconic blockbuster at the Cliffs, for which an organizer last year noted director Steven Spielberg and conductor John Williams as potential draws. Officials say a lack of communication doomed the plan. The man who brought the idea to the town still hopes hat it will happen somewhere on-Island, however. Read more

Through the quake-vine

Though 150 miles away from the epicenter in Maine, some Vineyarders still felt effects of a 3.8-magnitude earthquake yesterday. One Islander recalled around 30 seconds of shaking, and a couple had to check outside to make sure a truck hadn’t just passed. Read more



Town column spotlight

Here's the latest out of The Times' hometown, from columnist Kay Mayhew. The gas blower debate is on ahead of town meetings, the M.V. Museum has opened a round of fellowships for students, and Vineyarder Dan Martino will be at the library to present "The Oyster Book." Read more



Prose & Poetry Tuesday is back with journalist Patti McCracken, author of "The Angel Makers." The book tells the true story of a 1920s midwife who may have been her century's most prolific killer. An open mic session will follow; sign up there or online after 7 pm. It's from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm at PathwaysArts, 9 State Road, Chilmark. Read more


Your child can make use of the Edgartown Library's paint collection to create a masterpiece of their own, or just a bunch of splotches. Children under eight years old must be accompanied by an adult. It's 10:30 am to 11:30 am, 26 Edgartown–West Tisbury Road, Edgartown. Read more


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.

Authors & Books

Discover author talks, book signings, writing workshops, book sales, and book clubs around the Vineyard here.


The West Tisbury select board meets at 4:30 pm tomorrow. Agenda here.

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Quotes of the Day

“We just don’t know at this time whether it’s a single coyote or more.”

“A coyote could easily move across the Island in a very short time.”

—David Wattles, head of MassWildlife's Furbearer Project, on difficulty in determining the local coyote population

What's for dinner tonight?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Sweet Life Dinner @ 5:30 Thursday–Monday. Live jazz every Thursday w/ Jeremy Berlin. 508/696/0200

Contact to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

Name This Islander

Who's behind the boards? We'll throw all winning answers into a pot at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.

Email your answer to, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.

Monday's contest answer:

A lot of you got this one; it was Philip Craig.

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