
The Minute:

As the final week of shotgun season approaches, deer cooler organizers are saying hunting has been slow.

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Consider the shrew

A new study conducted by Tufts University and the Martha’s Vineyard Tick-borne Illness Reduction Initiative found that shrews, not mice, may be the leading host of the Lyme disease agent on the Island. Tick nymphs that fed on the small mammals were found to have been infected by Lyme more than ticks that fed on other mammals. Still, the new revelation won’t severely alter how tick-fearing Vineyarders live their daily lives. Read more

Shotgun season starts slowly

This year's shotgun hunting season has been slower than usual, and fewer deer have been checked into the deer cooler. The season runs from December 2 to 14, and helps manage the Island's invasive deer population as well as reduce the commonality of tick-borne illnesses. With shotgun hunting being the most impactful way to mitigate deer invasiveness, many homeowners are asking hunters this year to operate in their backyards. Read more

It's official: we're in a drought

The Cape and Islands are in a mild drought, according to state officials. This follows a significant deficit in rainfall over recent months, and officials are advising residents and local businesses to minimize overall water use and fix indoor leaks. The rest of Massachusetts, however, is currently in a critical drought. Read more

Workin’ 9–5

... and some overnights too. Crews have been out this week at Five Corners as they replace a water main along Breach Street Extension and install a fire hydrant. Tisbury Water Works wanted to put in the line and hydrant before the town’s public works department paves the road next year.


Holiday histories

The Vineyard's historic Vincent House is taking a trip through holiday seasons past on Saturdays through December 21st. Stop by to learn what generations centuries ago were up to this time of year, from a ban on Christmas in the early 18th century to the start of the season as we know it in the late 19th century and beyond. Read more

Today's Minute is sponsored by: Island Housing Trust

IHT is building homes for our year-round friends and neighbors. You can help by clicking this link to donate today.



At Ocean Park in Oak Bluffs, tune to 88.5 FM and enjoy a synchronized music and holiday light show. It runs from 5 pm to 10 pm tonight. Also, it’s First Friday in Vineyard Haven starting at 4 pm. Read more


Help Oak Bluffs firefighters to help Island children have a happy holiday. Stuff an ambulance with unwrapped toys on Saturday from 9 am to 3 pm at 6 Firehouse Lane. This event benefits the Red Stocking Fund. Read more


The Aquinnah Artisans Holiday Fair is this weekend, featuring many local favorites such as Gay Head clay pottery, wampum jewelry and art, native crafts, clothing, and food. It's 10 am to 4 pm, Aquinnah Town Hall, 953 State Road, Aquinnah. Read more


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.


The all-Island and up-Island school committees meet jointly at 5:30 pm on Monday.

Agenda here.

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Quote of the Day

“There are certain people ... who think, 'Let nature take its course.' But right now it's like 800 to 1,000 deer taken off the Island every year, and just imagine if that population wasn't taken off — the vehicle collisions and diseases that would be happening. If like 120 people are hitting deer with their cars a year, then those deer already aren't living good lives.”

—Tick Program head Patrick Roden-Reynolds on a need to manage tick-carrying deer

What's for dinner tonight?

Dining Out?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Sweet Life Dinner @ 5:30 Thursday–Monday. Live jazz every Thursday w/ Jeremy Berlin.


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Thursday's contest answer:

Mari-Jane Lohr

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