Fill a plate and your heart with community joy at the Baptist Church parish hall on the corner of William St and Spring St. in Vineyard Haven at a free community supper from 5:30 until 6:30 pm, all are welcome to the free event. Read more |
Saturday |
The Jeremy Berlin Trio returns to Pathways for two nights of jazz, featuring Jeremy Berlin on piano, Eric Johnson on bass, and Taura Biskis on drums. The evening includes an opening instrumental set followed by performances with vocalists singing a mix of song genres from different eras. All are welcome to the free event starting at 6:30 pm, donations are accepted. Read more |
Sunday |
Enjoy the Offering of Music and Light concert on the first Sunday of each month at the Chilmark Community Church at 5 pm. The night will feature different Island artists and musicians coming together to brighten their winter months. Each evening includes performances by Sean McMahon, Missis Biskis, Adele Dreye, and more. A candle lighting reception will follow, the event is open and free to all. Read more |