
While no avian flu cases have been reported on Martha’s Vineyard after the recent outbreak in Plymouth, local health officials are being vigilant. 

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Travelin’ Delanie blues

You’ve likely seen Delanie Pickering ripping blues chords on the local bar scene as the lead guitarist with Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish. She also fills in on a nightly basis on standup bass, drums and everything else. This is her story. Originally hailing from New Hampshire, Pickering carried her obsession for the genre to the Island. Recently, she’s been saying yes to taking her talents on the road. Read more 

Watching for bird flu

While no avian flu cases have been reported on Martha’s Vineyard, Island health officials are preemptively warning residents to stay away from dead or sick birds. After a recent outbreak in Plymouth, wildlife officials suspect avian flu may have killed up to 1,000 birds in the state. Poultry owners were particularly warned to keep a close eye on their flocks. Read more

More public input for manager search?

The Steamship Authority is looking for its next general manager, and members of its search committee are open to having a non-voting member of the public be a part of the process. The matter will still need approval from the ferry line’s board. Read more

A message from an immigration attorney

In light of the recent rumors swirling around the Island about immigration agents and large raids reported across the country, we are sharing this essay “Know your rights” from Island immigration attorney Rachel Self. Read more

À luz dos recentes rumores que circulam pela Ilha sobre agentes de imigração e grandes ataques relatados em todo o país, estamos compartilhando este ensaio “Conheça seus direitos” para a advogada de imigração da Ilha, Rachel Self. Leia mais




Fill a plate and your heart with community joy at the Baptist Church parish hall on the corner of William St and Spring St. in Vineyard Haven at a free community supper from 5:30 until 6:30 pm, all are welcome to the free event. Read more


The Jeremy Berlin Trio returns to Pathways for two nights of jazz, featuring Jeremy Berlin on piano, Eric Johnson on bass, and Taura Biskis on drums. The evening includes an opening instrumental set followed by performances with vocalists singing a mix of song genres from different eras. All are welcome to the free event starting at 6:30 pm, donations are accepted. Read more


Enjoy the Offering of Music and Light concert on the first Sunday of each month at the Chilmark Community Church at 5 pm. The night will feature different Island artists and musicians coming together to brighten their winter months. Each evening includes performances by Sean McMahon, Missis Biskis, Adele Dreye, and more. A candle lighting reception will follow, the event is open and free to all. Read more


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.


The Edgartown select board meets at 4 pm on Monday. Agenda here

The MVRHS committee meets at 5:30 pm on Monday. Agenda here.

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Quote of the Day

“Although I am no Trump supporter in any way, I’m happy that he has stopped, for now, any future [offshore wind] leases for the next four years … I feel these projects were extremely fast-tracked, and many studies were either not done or done hastily.”

—Jason Gale on Donald Trump’s executive orders against offshore wind

What's for dinner tonight?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Sweet Life Dinner @ 5:30 Thursday–Monday. Live jazz every Thursday w/ Jeremy Berlin. 508/696/0200

Contact to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

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