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The high school varsity hockey team has its sights set on a state championship this year,
says senior Nate Averill, who just logged his 100th career point. |
Subscribe to The Minute. |
As the Biden administration’s time wanes, federal officials approved SouthCoast Wind, located 26 nautical miles south of the Vineyard. The project is expected to have up to 141 turbines up to 1,066 feet in height — taller than those of Vineyard Wind. This news comes on the heels of challenges to the offshore industry mounted over the past months. Read more. Meanwhile, the Vineyard Wind 2 project experienced setbacks in its development. Read more
Senior forward Nate Averill, a forward on the high school's varsity team, has become the first Island player in a decade to reach 100 career points, a tally of his goals and assists. He did it in a game against Dennis-Yarmouth at Tony Kent Arena, where he achieved his first point as a freshman. The Vineyarders are undefeated this season, and Averill says their next goal is a state championship. Read more |
MV Sea Salt is looking to fellow Vineyarders in order to rebound from disaster after heavy winds exposed much of their supply to the elements. Co-owner Heidi Feldman told The Times that $20,000 of salt was lost, and has launched an online fundraiser with a goal of $40,000. Feldman told The Times that her business has worked hard to adapt to climate change, which has brought humid conditions that make farming salt difficult. Read more
A fire broke out at 741 Main Street in Tisbury on Friday night, tearing through the home's roof. Fortunately, nobody was hurt, despite the extensive damage. Read more
Allison Roberts shares a story from Christmas of 1983, when her family had to get creative to stay within budget during a challenging year. The Robertses didn't have a tree on Christmas morning, but they did create holiday memories that Allison holds dear to this day. Read more |
Today |
The Gatchell family is showing off a massive Christmas light setup for a good cause. You can park and walk around the display, and are encouraged to bring nonperishable foods or a monetary donation for the Island food Pantry. The family has decorated their house for nearly 50 years, and you'll see reindeer, snowmen, and over 20,000 sparkling lights. It's at 5 pm to 8 pm, County Road, Oak Bluffs. Read more |
Soup's on tomorrow at the West Tisbury Library! Free soup and bread will be provided from 11:30 am to 1 pm, and at the same times on Friday, Monday, and next Tuesday. These meals are courtesy of the West Tisbury Library Foundation, Friends of the West Tisbury Library, and Chef Deon at the Veterans of Foreign Wars. It's at 1042 State Road, West Tisbury. Read more |
View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here. |
Libraries |
Check out free programs for all ages at the Island's six public libraries here. |
No meeting tomorrow. Happy holidays! |
Quote of the Day |
“It felt special. I got my first at the same arena ... we celebrated in the same corner too.”
—Forward Nate Averill on securing his 100th point at MVRHS |
What's for dinner tonight?
The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.
Contact adsales@mvtimes.com to promote your dining specials with the MV Times. |
Name This Islander
Name this Islander! We'll throw all winning answers into a pot at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.
Email your answer to newsletters@mvtimes.com, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.
Friday's contest answer:
Tina Miller |
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