
An amended version of a large housing development in Edgartown will be reviewed by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission again, this time with affordable housing.

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Abigail McGrath dies at 84

The writer, actor, model was best known on the Island for founding the Renaissance House, a summer writing retreat in Oak Bluffs. McGrath was the daughter and niece of Harlem Renaissance writers, and was known for her colorful character and for inspiring generations of writers. Read more

Edg. housing project headed to MVC

A controversial housing project will be headed to the Martha’s Vineyard Commission for review, this time with affordable housing built into the proposal. Utah-based developers are looking to build a new subdivision that will include lots for single-family homes, duplexes, and affordable housing units. An earlier version of this project had sparked a lawsuit between the developers and the commission when the project was denied in 2020. Read more

In the holiday spirit

The Red Stocking Fund received an anonymous donation in the form of 49 bicycles in honor of late Island attorney Ron Rappaport. It’s enough to get every child a bike that wanted one as part of the Red Stocking Fund this holiday season. For those that knew him, Ron was a bicycle enthusiast and had helped the fund reach a fundraising goal in 2020. Read more



Befriending our beaches

For the past two years Befrienders has worked to rid the Vineyard's shores of trash and encourage people to value keeping the environment clean. Since June 2024 alone they have collected 1,092 pounds of debris. All the items and trash recovered are upcycled, recycled, donated, or properly disposed of. Read more

Today's Minute is sponsored by: MV Bank



Witness dancing lights in Donaroma’s Nursery parking lot on 270 Upper Main St., Edgartown at the Donaroma’s Holiday Light Show running from 5 until 9pm. Those who attend should tune into 87.9 FM to fully experience the spirited display. Read more 


All are welcome to park up and enjoy an Ocean Park show where an ensemble of Christmas-light wrapped trees and lightposts will be luminously dancing to 88.5 FM music. The lightshow starts at 5pm and ends at 10.  Read more 


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.

Authors & Books

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No meetings this Friday.

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Quote of the Day

“I don’t know how many hundreds of people that came through Renaissance House that were supported by her. She saw things in people they didn’t know existed.”

—Barbara Phillips on the impact of Abigail McGrath’s Renaissance House retreat

What's for dinner tonight?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Farm Neck Cafe Gather with friends to watch a game in our spacious bar, or dine on the terrace. Serving lunch 11 am to 3 pm. 508/693/3560

Contact to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

Island Housing Trust 

We've helped over 400 year-round Island residents find their way home. With your support we can help 400 more! Donate now by clicking this link to help us reach our year-end goal.

Name This Islander

Who is this coming in first place for women in the 2004 St. Patrick’s Day 5k road race? We'll throw all winning answers into a pot at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.

Email your answer to, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.

Monday's contest answer:

Joe Kershaw

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