
Tisbury has selected a new town administrator, and they hope he’ll accept.

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Packers look to expand V.H. terminal

R.M. Packer's Tisbury Towing and Transportation Company is pursuing a federal grant to build a new boat ramp at the Tisbury Marine Terminal. Proponents say this could help transport the Island's hazardous materials and trash, as well as increase transportation between the Vineyard and New Bedford. Time is of the essence, however, says Debby Packer, as the company has two years left on its current permit. It could take as many as seven years to get another. Read more

LaCivita picked for Tisbury town administrator

The Tisbury select board has chosen Joe LaCivita, general manager of Watervliet, New York, to become the town's highest official. LaCivita said he is ready to take on the town's many upcoming projects; he comes with experience running a city of 10,000 residents and in property development. He noted the importance of communication between departments, state grant funding, and proper zoning practices. Read more

County commissioners talk budget

County commissioners are looking to change how they fund the county’s operating budget. Right now, they worry that the budget can be cut on town meeting floors every year, and that can lead to some turbulence. They want to be able to raise part of the budget outside of their current allowances. Read more

Crash closes New York Ave

First responders closed off much of New York Avenue yesterday afternoon after a seeming head-on collision. One driver was extricated and taken with "apparent non-life threatening injuries" to M.V. Hospital, and the other declined medical treatment. One driver was cited for a marked lanes violation. Both cars were heavily damaged, with one losing a door. Read more


On top of South Mountain

South Mountain Company has come a long way since 1973. The Times caught up with CEO Deidre Bohan recently to talk about what it's like to run the architecture and energy technology firm, and future plans. She looks forward to building affordable housing and continuing to give 20 percent of net profits to philanthropy. Read more

Today's Minute is sponsored by: Island Housing Trust

Island workers need year-round housing that is affordable with year-round wages. You can help by clicking this link and donating now to our year-end campaign.



Circuit Arts has reimagined A Christmas Carol as a radio play, and will be performing the classic live with a local cast. If you can't make it in person, the production will be broadcast on MVYRadio on Christmas Eve. It's at 7 pm, 1067 State Road, West Tisbury. Read more


Catch great live music at Strand Jam, featuring David Mintz, Rachel Baird, Mark Allen Lovewell, and many, many more. The concert is free, but donations are appreciated. It's at 6 pm at The Strand, 11 Oak Bluffs Avenue, Oak Bluffs.


Little Vineyarders will have fun at Barn Buddies at the Ag Hall. They'll have trikes, bikes, scooters, and indoor games for kids up to age 8. Children will need to bring a helmet to use a bike or scooter. It's at 3 pm to 4:30 pm, 35 Panhandle Road, West Tisbury. Read more


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.


Check out musical events around the Island here.


The West Tisbury select board meets at noon on Monday. Agenda here.

The Dukes County Commission meets at 3:30 pm on Monday. Agenda here.

The Edgartown select board meets at 4 pm on Monday. Agenda here.

The Chilmark select board meets at 4:30 pm on Monday. Agenda here.

Real News For Real Islanders

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Quote of the Day

“This was a bold and brazen armed robbery carried out on a picturesque Island at the start of the day. Today’s sentence makes it clear that bank robbery is not an easy payday, it’s a federal crime, and the FBI and our partners will ensure perpetrators like Jones are held fully accountable.”

—Jodi Cohen, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, on the armed bank robbery in 2022. Miquel Jones was sentenced this week for leading the heist and corralling his brothers-in-law to join him.

What's for dinner tonight?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Sweet Life Dinner @ 5:30 Thursday–Monday. Live jazz every Thursday w/ Jeremy Berlin. 508/696/0200

Contact to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

Name This Islander

Name this restaurateur! We'll throw all winning answers into a pot at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.

Email your answer to, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.

Thursday's contest answer:

Geoffrey Borr

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