Today's Minute is sponsored by the Granary Gallery

The Minute:

$200 million was the low estimate for the high school’s building project. Now, planners are seeing where they can save space and money while preserving their educational goals.

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Charter School remembers first director

Last month, Bob Moore passed away. While serving as the first director of the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School, Moore forged the educational principles that remain there today. Even after retiring from the school, he found ways to help others by leading the inmate education division at the Island’s house of corrections. He was remembered for not only his passion for education, but for his ability to create a community. Read more

Saving costs by shaving space

You'll likely recall our earlier reporting about the high school's ambitious building project; it came with a estimated low-end cost of around $200 million. This week, planners proposed a new spacing plan that could lead to significant savings by removing nearly 40,000 square feet from the project. This was largely done by adjusting classroom sizes, and seeing which dedicated spaces could instead accommodate multiple uses within the school. The new proposal is not set in stone, however, and a public committee will have to review and make some big decisions. Read more

Opinion: A reflection from the motherland

Islander Elaine Crawley Weintraub recently visited her home in Ireland, where she has heard quite a lot about the election here in the U.S. She writes in this essay that the bond between the country and America is strong since many emigrated during the famine, but there is a current of concern recently. Read more


Remember Scoop, our big-billed friend from September? A pelican has also been seen recently around Lagoon Pond, Tashmoo, and Menemsha. Fred Khedouri snapped this photo in Menemsha last month, a sight for birders' sore eyes. We hope he flies south soon, if he hasn’t already.



On angels' wings

"Being sick is bad enough," writes Abby Remer, "but imagine having to travel off and onto the Island regularly for treatment." Angel Flight NE is helping Vineyarders make those tough trips, having flown over 100,000 New England patients to 750 medical centers nationwide. Remer caught up with Islander Elizabeth Eisenhauer, who is personally grateful for 51 of those flights. Read more

Today's Minute is sponsored by: Granary Gallery



What do winter traditions look like around the world? Aside from all the free food at "Winter Glow," you'll appreciate learning about indigenous cultures, Brazilian celebrations, Diwali and Lohri, Hanukkah and Chag HaBanot, and many more. It's 5 pm to 6 pm at the Martha's Vineyard Museum, 151 Lagoon Pond Road, Vineyard Haven. It's $25 for non-members, $15 for members. Register here


Shop local this holiday season! The First Congregational Church of West Tisbury is holding a Silent Auction, and you can bid on a sailing trip, concert tickets, art, and much, much more. The bidding goes live tomorrow and ends December 14, 6 pm. You can also see some auction items at the church's Christmas Faire, December 14, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. Read more


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Family Events

Check out activities for kids and their families here.


No meetings tomorrow. Enjoy your Friday!

Real News For Real Islanders

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Quote of the Day

“In an ideal world, early college is a college experience where a student leaves a high school campus, goes to college, and comes back to finish their day. We are pushing for a model where we’re able to teach those credits here at the high school ... We think it’s very important for our students to have that available to them here.”

—Sam Hart of the public school district on work to set up an early college program on-Island, instead of requiring students to commute to a campus off-Island

Waterview Land, West Tisbury 

The Tower Hill land, once known as the Dancing Hills, is considered by many a sacred Island space. Standing on the ridge top, you're at one of the highest points on Martha's Vineyard. This 3.01 acre parcel looks out over the trees of Red Farm and the dramatic blue expanse of Vineyard Sound. It's easy to understand why this property is so special. There's a generous designated building envelope of 1.41 acres to allow a Buyer to build a significant house with multi level views of the water and additional structures with proper permitting. Thoughtful planning and preparation of the Tower Hill Declaration for the area creates a deeded view easement and greenbelt area to preserve the serenity, privacy and experience of being surrounded by nature while still being minutes away from West Tisbury center. 

What's for dinner tonight?

Dining Out?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Sweet Life Dinner @ 5:30 Thursday–Monday. Live jazz every Thursday w/ Jeremy Berlin.


Contact to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

Island Housing Trust

IHT is building homes for our year-round friends and neighbors. You can help by clicking this link to donate today.

Name This Islander

Have you "herd" of her? We'll throw all winning answers into a pot at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.

Email your answer to, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.

Wednesday's contest answer:

David Wilson

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