
Online comments reopen soon. We're also looking for comments about our comment system.

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The Island's 'Barbara Walters'

Ann Bassett has lived an Island life. She was part of the first senior class to graduate MVRHS 64 years ago, worked in public and private libraries, was a seamstress and manager for a band, ran Misty Meadows, started a boutique designing her own clothes, and organized a shelter system for battered women. Now, she just finished taping her 450th episode of “The Grapevine,” must-watch television on MVTV. Read more

Bring back the comments

We are almost there. It’s been longer than some of you hoped, but next week we plan on bringing back comments at the MV Times. We regret where online conversation has gone in the past, took a time out to rethink and take a breath, and asked for your advice. While we got a lot of requests to shut down comments completely, we also heard that there’s a real possibility for healthy dialogue in our pages if done properly. With some new rules, we’re giving it a go. We consider the process as evolving, so don’t hesitate to send your thoughts to our news editor Sam at Read more

Edgartown fires animal control officer

Edgartown Animal Control Officer Kimberly Andrade was terminated in a select board meeting on Thursday morning following nearly a year of paid administrative leave. The town found her liable for insubordination and discrimination against a disabled employee. But she’s fighting back, saying her termination was a wrongful, targeted retaliation. Read more

Chabad looks elsewhere for cultural festival

Rabbi Tzvi Alperowitz says he will look to relocate Chabad on the Vineyard’s annual Jewish Culture Festival after West Tisbury’s select board permitted fewer guests than requested. The decision followed last year’s event having many more guests than permitted. Officials said that the last festival did go smoothly, but that the requested 800-person permit this year could set a troubling precedent for residential property. Read more


What moves you?

Strength and stamina are key to healthy aging. To help Islanders stay active, personal trainer Jim Lobley is holding his "The Body in Motion" sessions every other week at the Katharine Cornell Theater and on Zoom. He hopes to spread the joy of motion and an understanding of how the body moves and works. Read more



Learn to make your own mosiac frame to hold your favorite photos in style. Choose your colors and design away at this workshop led by Stefanie Wolf. Buy a ticket for $50 here. It's from 5 pm to 6:30 pm at Stefanie Wolf Designs, 37 Circuit Avenue, Oak Bluffs. Read more


Take a guided walk tomorrow through Polly Hill Arboretum. Staff will offer a fresh perspective as they lead you through the winter landscape. It's $5, free for members, from 10 am to 11 am at 795 State Road, West Tisbury. Read more


Live music is on at the VFW on Sunday courtesy of Don Groover, Barbara and Steve. It's from 5 pm to 7 pm at 14 Towanticut Street, Oak Bluffs. Read more


View the lineup of feature films and documentaries at Island theaters and libraries here.


Check out musical events around the Island here.


Chilmark's select board and finance advisory committee meet Monday at 4 pm.

Agenda here.

Real News For Real Islanders

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Quote of the Day

“You’ve got to balance how important it is to have the control to say ‘no’ versus getting the housing we need. I think that’s a balancing test every board and commission in Massachusetts, not just on the Vineyard, need to be thinking about.”

—Judi Barrett of Barrett Planning Group on the Vineyard's housing crisis

What's for dinner tonight?

The Barn Open daily for lunch, dinner & bowling. Text Barnmv to 508/696/9800 to receive deals & specials.

Sweet Life Dinner @ 5:30 Thursday–Monday. Live jazz every Thursday w/ Jeremy Berlin. 508/696/0200

Contact to promote your dining specials with the MV Times.

Name This Islander

Who had her painting appraised? We'll throw all winning answers into a pot at the end of the month and someone will win a free MV Times T-shirt.

Email your answer to, and let us know which day you are guessing about. For a previous Name This Islander, see our archive.

Thursday's contest answer:

Amelia Kauffman

We sent you The Minute because you signed up with your email address. The Minute will arrive Monday through Friday by the end of the workday. It features the day's news, community articles, important meetings, events, and even some Island trivia and insider tips. We may produce special weekend editions and occasionally send you special offers from select advertisers.

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