Plus Dot pops balloons
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Every other week, Bluedot Living Martha's Vineyard will share stories about local changemakers, Islanders’ sustainable homes and yards, planet-healthy recipes and tips, along with advice from Dear Dot. Did your friend send you this? Sign up for yourself here. Not interested? No problem click here to be removed from Bluedot Living emails.
A Cape Cod Night, Bob Avakian
And now it is quieter on Martha’s Vineyard, and (as of early this morning) dark by late afternoon. We’ve long been fans of Bob Avakian’s nighttime photography. When Bluedot editor Leslie Garrett decided to tackle “silence” as a topic in our “What.On.Earth” feature, Bob’s work came to mind. Our fall/winter issue will be on the stands in a couple of weeks, but you can read about the sounds of silence here.
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We Gather Together

It’s the scene in a thousand movies, a million commercials, a zillion dreams: The family gathers, a roasted turkey as the centerpiece, everyone’s favorite side dishes. And then, when conversation grows tired and bellies are full, we clean up, our trash bag bloating with tossed food. We don’t typically consider food waste when we examine our culture’s eco-sins. Instead we point to cars, to planes, to air conditioners. But one billion tons of food gets tossed annually – that’s one third of all the food in the world, usually going to landfill where it rots and produces methane, a greenhouse gas 28 times more damaging than carbon dioxide.The issue of food waste is having a moment. People are waking up to its impact and, even better, doing something about it. Melissa Hackney, the executive director of the Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship tells us that “Martha’s Vineyard’s primary export is … trash. An estimated 19,000 tons of garbage are shipped off-Island each year. Of that, 6,500 tons is food waste.” But they’re also doing something to support those who can capture that waste and repurpose it. (That photo is soil at IGI made from compost.) Islanders Jesse and Betsy Fink’s non-profit ReFED (get their great newsletter!) is taking the fight against food waste to the entire country to achieve a 50% food waste reduction by 2050. You can help by storing food properly and taking only what you can eat (there are always seconds! And thirds!). Look for our new Bluedot Kitchen newsletter (launching this winter) which will offer loads more tips to maximize eating pleasure and avoid food waste (and lots and lots of recipes). Sign up for that newsletter and our “Hub” newsletter here. And remember to VOTE! It matters.
Leslie Garrett and Jamie Kageleiry
Those dates stamped on so many of our foodstuffs — “best before”, “sell by”, “use by” — have nothing to do with food safety — use your senses instead. Other ways to avoid food waste:
Jetting to your family for Thanksgiving? Long flights cause significant emissions, and there aren't many feasible alternatives, writer Sam Moore tells us. But shorter flights on smaller planes are prime candidates for conversion to electricity — they make short hops, and they don’t carry many people. In fact, we passengers on small planes may be the first air travelers to get to net zero. It’s all part of Sam’s examination (and Kate Feiffer’s pointed illustration) of What’s so Bad About Private Jets — and what’s being done to make aviation better.

It’s the time of year for chilly feet, gift-giving, and (always) shopping local. Years ago, one Bluedotter gave another Bluedotter a pair of alpaca socks from Island Alpaca (this was pre-Bluedot). Those socks are still in perfect shape and still warming Bluedot toes. Go visit the herd, check out creations by local knitters, and learn why alpaca fiber is so sustainable.

Dear Dot,
How can I celebrate an event without balloons?
Cathy, Chilmark, Mass.

Dear Cathy,
If you’re a beachcomber like me or, perhaps someone who hikes along a river or stream, you’ve likely come across evidence of past frivolity in the form of deflated balloons, their ribbons filthy and tangled. What you’re not seeing unless you, too, have come across the Balloons Blow website, are the many balloon bits found in the stomach of, say, a Hawksbill sea turtle or a Bighorn sheep, each of whom mistook balloons for food.

While some might argue that balloons are the very symbol of celebration, I am not swayed. So I am grateful for the chance to address this scourge and offer up some jolly alternatives ...

The Other Fall Fruit
Warm, caramelized pears? Yes, please. Roasting pears is a favorite technique with a big fall payoff. Add them to a handful of recipes from “everyday” to “company’s coming.” We especially like this Roasted Pears with Fall Baby Greens recipe that maximizes local and seasonal ingredients.
Congratulations! You’ve got your electric car. Now you just need to know where to charge it. The MVTimes has a very cool map that shows Island charging stations. For off-Island, our own Dear Dot has lots of tips for apps to find charging stations, including one called PlugShare.
Outdated, unneeded medication is dangerous, and disposing of it down your drain or toilet impacts the environment. Instead take yours to MV Hospital’s Drop-off box (located in the Annex lobby), in the drop-off boxes at police stations in West Tisbury, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury, and Edgartown, or at Leslie’s Pharmacy or Vineyard Scripts. For more Vineyard eco-resources, consult our Ultimate Simple, Smart, Sustainable Handbook to Martha’s Vineyard.
Bluedot Living magazine and are published by Bluedot, Inc., and distributed by The Martha's Vineyard Times. Visit our new national website here:

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